
Story details on Trenchard-Smith’s Hard Drive

If you follow our Facebook and Twitter pages, you’ll already be aware that Australia’s currently playing host to Hollywood duo John Cusack and Thomas Jane, in town to film the action movie “Hard Drive” for director Brian Trenchard-Smith (“Absolute Deception”).

Cusack’s been spotted getting about on a moped around the Gold Coast – particularly in the few days leading up to the official start of filming, which was June 4 – where the movie is shooting. No Jane sightings yet – but maybe is out and about but just blends in easier than “Say Anything…” star Cusack?

Anyway, Odyssey Media just released a synopsis of the story, which is the only thing we haven’t had – strangely enough – until now.

With a heist in mind, a mysterious American called Keller (John Cusack) arrives in Brisbane needing a getaway driver. Rather than recruit one from the local underworld, he tricks a driving school instructor, Roberts (Thomas Jane) into taking the wheel. Keller chose well, Roberts just happens to be a washed out Formula-One driver. Chased by the cops and the mob, Roberts is forced to use his racing skills to evade pursuit on a Hard Drive that takes the two along the Gold Coast of Australia..

Interesting that Cusack is playing the criminal, for once. Regardless of how the film turns out, it’s sure to capture on film some lovely locations!

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