
Tarsem Singh to follow up Mirror, Mirror with Killing on Carnival Row

Tarsem Singh, director of “Immortals” and the forthcoming “Mirror, Mirror”, will bring “Killing on Carnival Row” – a script that’s been in development for six years now! – to the big screen. “Clash of The Titans” scribe Travis Beachman wrote “Carnival Row” back when he drank from a restroom tap and fed on the crumbs of pigeon meal seconds.

Producers Arnold and Anne Copelson originally had the film set up at New Line – with Guillermo Del Toro and Neil Jordan both attached at different times – but it’s not certain who will now house the film.

Deadline, who broke the news, say of the film :

Arnold Kopelson said he’s in talks with a studio he wouldn’t reveal but expects to begin production on the noir-style fantasy thriller next June in New Orleans. He’s starting to cast. The script takes place in the future in a city called the Burgue, which looks a lot like 18th Century London. It is inhabited by humans and other creatures, and a serial killer is on the loose. “I am thrilled that Tarsem will direct Carnival Row, which we’ve been developing over the past six years,” Kopelson told me. “His extraordinary visual sense and use of light and color can be compared to that of the great 16th Century Italian painter Michelangelo Caravaggio.”

Anyone read the script? Is it good?

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