
The new Friday the 13th opens with….

And a release date announced for the film

My buddy Devin at CHUD tells me he’s got the low-down on how the new “Friday the 13th” movie will open and in turn answers that oft-asked question ‘Will Mama Voorhees be in the new movie?’

Says DF, “The new Friday the 13th is going to open with Jason as a legend in the Crystal Lake area. Five kids out in the woods looking for a bunch of weed they planted and stumble upon the deserted Camp Crystal Lake. Sitting around the fire that night, the dweeby one (there’s always a dweeby one) tells the legend of Jason Voorhees. After that the Survivor Girl and her boyfriend wander off into the woods, where they find a shitty old cabin. Inside are some clues, like a bed with the name Jason carved in it. An old picture of a girl who looks just like Survivor Girl. And Mama Voorhees’ head. Cue Jason. He murderizes the other four kids, and as he grabs Survivor Girl… slam into the opening credits.”

Apparently the film gets a little less novel because the script “essentially becomes a rehash of the first four movies” but as Devin states whose going to complain about that? That’s what the series is all about – Jason slicing and dicing, it’d be pretty disconcerting if the plot involved Jason opening up a disco for dead disfigured kids or some shit.

Meantime, New Line Cinema has announced a release date for the film – it’ll be out Feb 13, 2009… yep, same week as Valentine’s day! Niiiiice!

Exclusive Interview : Michael J.Anderson

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