
This Riddick 3 update brought to you by Mark Zuckerberg

If Vin Diesel’s kept anyone in the loop about the third “Riddick” flick it’s Mark Zuckerberg, er, Facebook.
The film, a second sequel to Diesel and David Twohy’s Oz-made shadows-shrieker “Pitch Black”, has been in development for quite a while, only now does it seem to be gathering steam. Throughout the development process, Diesel has been keeping his many Facebook ‘friends’ updated on the progress.
Diesel’s latest ‘share’ is a video – a video in which he and Twohy, captured at a development meeting, talk about how hard it is to make an ‘R’ rated film in a world run by the likes of “Live Free or Die Hard”‘s.

You can view the video here

At one stage the flick was called “Riddick : Dead Man Stalking” and in a script review over at Coming Attractions last year, it was noted that the film was significantly more stripped-back and more so, “Pitch Black” than the ill-fated “Chronicles of Riddick” was. In the film, Riddick gives up the crown and heads back to his home planet. On his travels he’s ambushed by creatures and mercenaries.

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