
Tim and Johnny sitting in a tree…

Tim Burton told SciFi Wire that he just adores Johnny Depp [No? Really?] And looks forward to working with him on “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”. "I love working with him," Burton said. "I’ve worked with him three times. He’s my friend. [He] always surprises [me]. I like these kind of actors [who] don’t care how they look. They’re just willing, and there’s a freedom to that and an excitement that I get from that. [Some] people are like, ‘Wait, my light’s not right,’ or ‘I’m not coming out of my trailer until this happens or that.’ [People like Depp] are people ready to go." Burton says he isn’t a fan of the original flick. "I find [Willy Wonka] odd, because it’s overly sweet when it shouldn’t be, and it’s really dark when it’s really weird, so I found it to be almost exactly wrong in some ways”. Meantime, Counting Down has reviewed an early draft of the film’s script here.

Clints Bits – 26/11

Interview : Cher