
Tom Welling as superhero X-Ray?

Sam Park, screenwriter of "X-Ray", a new comic-book film that he hopes to get off the ground in the near future, says he’d love Tom Welling ["Smallville"] to star in the film. "Welling would be spot-perfect as X-Ray", Park says of the young actor, most recently linked to playing the big-screen Superman.

So what’s "X-Ray"? "X-Ray is a normal joe that becomes altered into a freak of nature and has to stumble his way toward embracing the gift he’s been given while coming to grips with the bizarre aftermath of its bestowing. It’s not a nice world that created X-Ray but he’s a good guy who suddenly has the power to make the world a little nicer. Or he’s gets very ugly (literally). I don’t want to give too much away but "X-RAY" has all the larger than life fun of comics and film with characters that you’ll want to spend time with because they remind you of your best friends (and worst enemies)", says Park.

Meanwhile, Park’s keeping busy with a couple of other projects.

"I can’t tell you the name of the newest script but it’s a post-apocalyptic adventure set in the American Southwest with mutants, asteland cowboys, robots, a giant John Wayne (no kidding), a big bomb and a quest to bring a father and son together again. Next up is an erotic thriller that is a throwback to "Body Heat" with lots of sex and some violence."

And "Predator 3"? "Who knows? All I know is that once upon a time I and Clay McBride wrote an unsolicited treatment for "Predator 3" that Joel Silver liked but he wasn’t interested in producing because he was creating product exclusively for Warner at the time with no connections to Fox who owns the Predator franchise. Everyone that read Clay and my story treatment thought it was terrific along with how it sets up more sequels with unusual twists. I think that if I’m ever to have a chance at pitching a Predator idea to Fox I’ll have to succeed with one of the other script projects first. To this end I’m working to create my own production company to work with skilled film veterans like Ernest Farino and many others I’m friends with from years of knocking around Hollywood".

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