
Wan on Saw 2 stars and story

Former RMIT student turned big-time filmmaker, "Saw" Director James Wan, dropped Bloody Disgusting a note to confirm the casting of Shawnee Smith and Tobin Bell in the film’s sequel.

Smith and Bell reprise their roles as the sadistic Jigsaw Killer, and victim Amanda.

"Why is Shawnee coming back? Well, without giving too much away…you find out that Shawnee’s character did not learn to appreciate the second chance that she earned from the first film. And Tobin’s character, Jigsaw, is a prominent figure in this one. In the first film, he was hardly seen but his presence was felt everywhere. And since his identity has been revealed, we’re now bringing him to the fore-front of the story and exploring him in depth. People will get to see what makes this guy ticks", Wan says.

Wan says he’s making sure the sequel doesn’t fall into the trap of being a rushed, inferior Xerox of the original.

"Generally sequels are all about cashing in on the success of the first film, but we’re working damn hard to make sure it
retains its integrity. Leigh [Whannell] has agonized over the writing to make it as good as he possibly could, in such a short amount of time. Whether we succeed or not in the public’s eyes, for Leigh and myself, the most important thing is telling a good story".

Wan explains that in the sequel, "Jigsaw is dying, but he’s looking to beat his illness. And he believes, with his last set of games, it will provide him with the cure for his cancer. And what is the cure for death… Immortality."

If you thought some of those scenes in the first film called for an airline sick-bag, wait for this one, says Wan.

"Let me cut to it, SAW2 is going to be NASTY! There are scenes in this one that makes me squirm just thinking about it. On the first film, we didn’t have any budget to show you anything, so I had to hide it all with quick cuts…SAW2 is a different story".

Wan also confirmed that he’ll be directing a film called "Silence" for Universal, which "could not be anymore different than Saw 2, even though they’re both in the same genre. Its not about blood and guts, its all about scare and atmosphere. Its going to be the definitive ghost story. I only want to make the scariest film ever."

Wan’s a pleasant chap, one of the nicest interviewees I’ve had the pleasure of sticking a Dictaphone in front of – wouldn’t be surprised if he’s the future of everything corn syrup and quick cuts.

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