
West Hollywood Resnorter : About these Fighter 2 claims…

I’m pooped. We’ve been doing rewrites all week on an episode that’s set to air in May- nobody can quite ‘crack it’. I’m finding Scotch helps the writing process so might pour myself a bigger glass.


I love “The Fighter”. I especially love – though, understandably, Christian Bale gets most of the praise and accolades – Mark Wahlberg’s performance in the film; it’s an understated turn that plays so real… most people’s attention diverts to the guy who’s obviously acting.

But anyway, I too have read Wahlberg’s comments about a “Fighter” sequel. And while I agree there is probably more story to tell there, I gotta say, I think it’s an idea that’ll stay just that.

Wahlberg, after all, is pretty much cursed when it comes to sequels.

Where’s that ”Italian Job” sequel (”The Brazillian Job”)?

What about the ”Departed” sequel he kept tooting? (Wasn’t Robert De Niro going to co-star!?)

And why is that everytime Wahlberg talks up a possible ”Entourage” movie trilogy – or however long he insists the movies will go on – that the show’s creator usually laughs in response?

But more so, let’s think about it… when is this movie supposed to happen? I mean, have you seen Wahlberg’s slate? He’s booked for the next two or three years. By the time a space opens up, the idea will have gone away.

Wahlberg is obviously very passionate about his work and gets excited. That’s fair enough. Thing is, he gets a bit ahead of himself and when he tells the media that there’s going to be a sequel to this or that, forgets that the quote is going to be picked up by every news outlet this side of

So, do I think “The Fighter 2” is going to happen? No.

Would I like it to happen? Hmm, undecided there. What do you guys think? Should there be a sequel? Or should they just leave this story alone now?

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Principal Photography begins on Keanu’s 47 Ronin