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Exclusive : Casting begins for…Abraham Lincoln V Zombies!

Loathe ’em, laugh at ’em… use the discs as Coke Coasters, but you gotta hand it to the gang at Asylum – they know not only how to strike while the iron’s hot but know exactly the right kind of iron to strike with.  These are the guys that, and they won’t deny it either (they wear the tag proudly), do B-grade rip-off’s of the blockbusters; they call themselves the home of the ‘Mockbusters’.  If there’s a big-time movie out in cinemas that can be somewhat emulated, if even to shoddy results, without money and names, Asylum will usually do it.

In the past couple of years, Asylum have proudly stamped their company logo on “Almighty Thor” (starring Cody Deal as the Norse God and Richard Grieco as Loki); “3 Muskeeters”; “Battle of Los Angeles”; and “Titanic II” – and yes, you can just imagine how many people tuned in to either watch them on the SyFy channel when they aired or rented the DVD. In 2012, they’ll attempt to cash-in on the releases of studio fare like “Snow White and the Huntsman” and “Battleship” with their own versions, “Grimm’s Snow White” and “American Battleship”.

And as of the 21st, Asylum start filming their latest ‘mockbuster’ – “Abraham Lincoln V Zombies.

Yes, you heard right.

A broke B-cousin to the forthcoming big-budget Fox release “Abraham Lincoln : Vampire Hunter”, “Zombies” goes like this:

While the brutal Civil War rages on, Abraham Lincoln must undertake an even more daunting task; destroying the Confederate Undead!

In other words, it’s the plot of the Hollywood competitor – with the undead instead of necksuckers.

Here are the main characters :

54, Caucasian Male Tall and lanky. Strong Actor with strong credits. We want talent that resemble Abe Lincoln. Please refer to the google photo attached.

45-50; Female Caucasian First lady of the White House and Abe’s wife. Please reference the google photo attached as we are looking for talent that matches Mary Todd.

25; Caucasian Male Part of the New Secret Service. We are looking for someone to resemble John Wilkes Booth. Please refer to google photo attached.

40; Male Caucasian Haggard with dark hair and a bushy beard. Has only one arm. General in the great Army of the Confederacy. Please reference attached photo before submitting.

9; Caucasian Male Lanky boy likes to read. Please submit talent that look like a young Abe Lincoln at 9.

30’s; Caucasian Male. Father of Abraham Lincoln. Strong and loving family man. Please see google link to photo of him and submit those who look like him in his 30’s

30’s; Caucasian Female. Motherly type. please see google photo to submit talent who matches the real Nancy Hanks Lincoln.

Excited? I know you are…

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