
Die Hard 5 culprit to helm Pierce Brosnan’s next. Uh-Oh!

Pierce Brosnan

The guy who helped bumfuck the “Die Hard” series wants to lend Pierce Brosnan a hand – and what a shame, considering the buzz surrounding the former 007’s new movie “The November Man”, and chatter that it might put Brosnan back atop of the action-guys A-list.

Nevertheless, John Moore, director of the bloody horrible “A Good Day to Die Hard”, has been tapped to helm “I.T”.

Based on a script by William Wisher Jr (who ironically wrote the fourth “Die Hard” film), the film pits Brosnan’s book publisher against an angry I.T guy.

Concept sounds interesting, but I’ve lost all confidence in John Moore after “A Good Day to Die Hard” – so here’s hoping Brosnan gets to proof the former’s vision before even a roll of his film has been used.

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Preachers to picket cinemas next December!