
Barbie 2 : What are the chances we’ll see it happen!?

Especially after that $377 million intake last weekend?…

“Would I play a Ken in Barbie 2? Sure, yeah,” Cillain Murphy replied to a reporter this week when asked if he’d be keen on starring in a Barbie sequel. “Let’s read the script, let’s have a conversation.”

Means nothing. But that’s not to say that Warner Bros won’t be discussing doing a sequel or spin-off to Barbie – of course they are! The film grossed a very fat $377 million last weekend. While most would consider a sequel unnecessary, and also void the reason the original was successful (it was fresh and new!), there’s no stopping a studio when it comes to milking an I.P with potential.

Would Cillian Murphy, star of this weekend’s other big hit Oppenheimer, do it though? Who knows – unlikely though; I’m sure he’s got juicier offers on the table after his huge turn as Robert J.

The film’s director Greta Gerwig tells Variety that the idea of a Barbie follow-up would “certainly be exciting.” Meanwhile, TIME magazine also reported that Mattel CEO, Ynon Kreiz, showed “remarkable enthusiasm” for “more Barbie movies.”

In other words, it’s simply a matter of when.

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