
Brett Easton Ellis’ next : ‘Die Hard meets Jaws’?

I love Bret Easton Ellis. He’s up there with the likes of Tom Clancy and Stephen King as one of my favourite authors. But also, I love the film adaptations of Ellis’ books – “Less than Zero”, “Rules of Attraction”, “American Psycho”. I eagerly await whatever he does. He’s just a brilliant writer. Exceptional wordsmith.

The paperback fave’s next is a complete 180 from anything he’s done before – it’s a killer shark film! (And not the same kind of ‘killer shark’ Bale played in “American Psycho”). Yep, Ellis has written the screenplay for a “Jaws”-esque film about a deep sea murderer eyeing off dangling wet legs, says Variety.

“Bait” (which I assume will be retitled because there’s already a film in the can – the 3D thriller that Russell Mulcahy’s directed – with the same title) “centers on a disturbed woman who holds a group of American students hostage in shark-infested waters”, according to Variety. Jonas Pete, who directed episodes of the languid but stylish (a win and a loss – all balances out, right?) “Caprica”, is attached to direct.

Hopefully, the screenplay for “Imperial Bedrooms” is next on Ellis’ to-do list!

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