
Captain America : Director’s Cut going direct-to-Blu-ray!

Don’t worry, Joe Johnston hasn’t screwed up (as far as we know), ol’ Cap is referring to the infamous Albert Pyun movie.

Guessing you guys all remember that dreadful Canon film group “Captain America” movie that graced the video library shelves in the early ’90s? Yeah?

I recall it sitting somewhere between “Rock ‘n Roll High School Forever” (with Corey Feldman) and “The Punisher” (the Dolph Lundgren film, released by the same crowd that did “CA”) – obviously, my tape disepenser didn’t alphabetize their movies; I also recall it never renting – it was ”available to take home” any given night of the week. Finally rented it one night, while I can’t say it’s an experience I’ll never forget, I will admit to being shamelessley entertained by the flick. It was… er, whatever the name of that section Moviehole use to have was titled. Bottom Line : It’s a hard title to track down these days. Needs to find it’s audience… again.

The film, at one stage supposed to be a big-budget flick for 21st Century Film Corporation but instead produced as a dreadfully low-budget mess when financers dropped out just before filming began, is returning to our shelves though, hitting Blu-ray – complete with an extra half-hour or so of footage!

Director Albert Pyun, who claims the studio took the film out of his hands and produced the car crash of a film we have now, tells io9 he’s restoring the film from his “own 35 mm CA work picture and temp mix” and his new 124 minute ‘director’s cut’ (as opposed to the 97-minute abomination) has “a few added scenes, and is more character-oriented and less ‘super hero action’”.

The film, for the many that never caught it, stars Matt Salinger (son of J.D) as ‘Steve Rogers’ aka ‘Captain America’, and Scott Paulin – channeling his “Teen Wolf” character – as ‘Red Skull’. The real star of the film though is… well, those outstanding special effects, as you’ll see in the trailer.

“Captain America : Director’s Cut” is on Blu-ray in May.

What are your memories of this flick?


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