
Emily pretty Blunt about Iron Man 2

Emily Blunt. Sexy as Hell – even sexier when she opens her mouth… and speaks in that divine British accent of hers. She would’ve been a terrific Black Widow (listen to me, talking like I know comic books) in “Iron Man 2”. Alas, Fox ruined her plans.

The “Devil Wears Prada” Fox tells The Orlando Sentinel that she’s a little disappointed she won’t get to cozy up to Robert Downey Jr – because Fox decided to excise the option they had on her by making her straddle Jack Black’s chubby ass in “Gulliver’s Travels” instead – but seems to be taking it like a champ.

“I’m okay,” Blunt says with a sigh. “Because I just have to do this Fox movie, and it’s fine and I’m gonna have fun. The whole beginning of the year has been rather dramatic, so I’d just rather go in with fresh eyes and know that I’ve made the right decision. You just don’t know until it’s all finished and done with, do you?”

It’s clear Blunt’s bummed out though. ”It’s a little disappointing is all I can say”, the actress tells Roger Moore.

No word on who’ll be playing ‘Black Widow’ in the flick now – maybe Theresa Russell? (Sorry, bad joke for fans of cheesy 80s thrillers).

Various News Items – 25/2/09

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