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Exclusive : Monroe talks I Spit On Your Grave Remake

Okay, so a couple of horror remakes this year have blown worse than a toothy escort. That I’ll admit. And I could probably fill a doodle-pad up with a list of the other remakes that were inferior, in every way, to its predecessor. There’s a remake of horror classic “I Spit On Your Grave” coming – and I think it might just be the exception to the role. Okay, disclaimer, I worked with it’s director Steven R. Monroe on another film, “Complacent” (which premiered in Los Angeles this month), but I think knowing how the man works, understanding his strengths, and appreciating his determination to make the best film possible at all times, only gives the opinion more validity. I seriously think “Spit” 2.0 is going to be a doozie.

I spoke to Monroe about the film – which is due in theaters in the Fall – this week, and we’re running that interview over here. Meantime, here’s a tease of what he sees we can expect via his version of “I Spit On Your Grave”.

”All the characters are the same, what happens is the same. I gave the film a very different look that the original and made it very raw and real”, says Monroe. ”There is one new character played by Andrew Howard who is brilliant. Meir Zarchi was involved from stage one on the film and gave everything his blessing and he is very, very happy with the entire film. I wanted to be very careful to the feelings and wishes of the fans of the original. I even duplicated a few shots and Sarah Bulter who plays Jennifer Hills this time around even duplicated some of Camille Keatons mannerisms just for detail. It was at the forefront of my mind from day one to make sure that this film does not piss off fans. I hope it shows and I hope the fans are happy.”

Monroe also said he didn’t hold back on the gore and violence for fear that ‘his’ version of “I Spit” might be banned in some territories, like the original was, either.

”No, not at all, and in some aspects the scenes are even more graphic and disturbing. It is a different time than when the original came out and what I wanted to do with this version is give a realism that makes the film more dramatic and upsetting therefore your sensor to the violence, rape and nudity is less because you feel like it is really happening and not just exploitive like many films are. We have always expected to have trouble with the MPAA on this one but all agreed to make the best film and then deal with that when and if it happens.”

You can read the full interview here

Steven R. Monroe

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