
Jericho movie in development

Holy Serenity TV-fans! It’s a “Jericho” movie!

Executive producer Jon Turtletaub (“National Treasure”) has confirmed that he is developing a feature-film version of the short-lived Skeet Ulrich-starring series.

“We’re developing a feature for Jericho,” Turteltaub told IF. “It would not require you to have seen the TV show, but it get into life after an event like this on a national scale. It would be the bigger, full on American version of what’s going on beyond the town in Jericho.”

The series focused on the residents of the fictional town of Jericho in Kansas in the aftermath of nuclear attacks on 23 major cities in the U.S.

”Jericho”, starring Skeet Ulrich (“Scream”) and Ashley Scott (“Walking Tall”), was one of the great television stories of 2007, becoming un-canceled after irate fans planned a clever protest–something that doesn’t happen often in this day and age. Unfortunately, the victory was short-lived and the show was canceled after a short second season.

Other prematurely-axed TV shows said to be eyeing a big screen resurrection include “Veronica Mars” and “Pushing Daisies”.

Watchmen settlement 3:30pm today?

Various News Items – 17/1/09