
Jessica Biel vs. The Hitcher?

Just when it looked like she’d seen the last of a pair of squalid sneakers, Jessica Biel might see reason to run again.

Biel, who did some dashing about in both "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and "Blade Trinity", is rumoured to be up for a lead role in the remake of "The Hitcher", according to Bloody Disgusting.

Michael Bay’s Platinum Dunes is producing the remake, which tells of a youngster being tormented by a sadistic hitchhiker (played by Rutger Hauer in the original).

If they’re remaking the original scene-for-scene character-for-character death-for-death, chances are Biel would be playing the role that Jennifer Jason Leigh played in the original. She came to quite a grisly end that one.

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