
Johnson on one of The Last Jedi‘s biggest reveals

One of the big questions going into “Star Wars : The Last Jedi” was ‘who are Rey’s folks?’.

And while we got an answer, it’s fair to say the truth wasn’t quite as exciting – even if it were fitting – as the theories.


In an interview with LA Times, Johnson was asked why he decided not to have Rey be the daughter of a famous Skywalker, Solo or even Kenobi. Instead, Johnson decided to have Rey be the offspring of nobody special at all – unlike Luke Skywalker, who had a famous pop to live up to.

“It felt like the way to go because it’s the hardest thing that she could possibly hear. It would be the easy thing for her to be defined by, “Yes, this is how you fit into this story — it’s because your parent is so and so!” In that moment, for Kylo to be able to use that [information] as a knife and twist it to try and get what he wants, felt like the most dramatically potent option.”

While J.J Abrams could potentially write into “Episode XI” that Kylo was lying about Rey’s parents, as far as Johnson is concerned, his answer is the only answer at this time.

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