
Norman Reedus says Boondock Saints 3 is in the works

Though I’m not a fan myself – I think it’s one of those films that just enjoys being violent for violence’s sake – fact that there’s a third “Boondock Saints” movie in the works proves there are more than a few around who do enjoy the Sean Patrick Flannery & Norman Reedus starring films.

Reedus (“The Walking Dead”) tells the IFC that director Troy Duffy has a second sequel to the film in the works.

“I’m in L.A. right now,” he told the IFC. “I’m meeting with [star] Sean [Patrick Flanery] and Troy tonight. I just landed a couple hours ago and tonight I’m going over to Troy’s house with Sean. It’s definitely in the works. Look for it. It’s gonna be crazy.”

Released in 1999, “The Boondock Saints” tells of fraternal twins who set out to rid Boston of the evil men operating there while being tracked down by an FBI agent. A sequel was released in 2009.

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