
On the Road

Thanks to Icon Film Distribution, Moviehole has 10 “On the Road” Prize Packs to Giveaway. Each pack contains an in-season pass to the film, and “On the Road” by Jack Kerouac, thanks to Penguin.

Jack Kerouac’s generation defining novel ON THE ROAD is brought to the screen by director Walter Salles (The Motorcycle Diaries, Central Station) and screened In Competition at Cannes this year. After the death of his father, Sal Paradise (Sam Riley), an aspiring New York writer, meets Dean Moriarty (Garrett Hedlund), a wild and infectiously charismatic ex-con. They hit it off immediately. Determined to avoid the pitfalls of a narrow, prescribed life, Sal hits the road, joining Dean on what evolves into a life-changing physical and emotional odyssey. Thirsting for freedom, they discover the world, the ecstasy of experience, the connectedness of humanity and ultimately themselves.

Starring Sam Riley (Control), Garrett Hedlund (Tron: Legacy), Kristen Stewart (Twilight, The Runaways), Kirsten Dunst (Melancholia, Spiderman), Viggo Mortensen (A History of Violence), Amy Adams (Julie and Julia), Steve Buscemi (Boardwalk Empire) and Elisabeth Moss (Mad Men).

Only at the movies: 27 September, 2012

How to Win :

1. Watch this trailer

2. Email Email Sophie your name, address and the answer to this question :
‘What type of ‘Candle’ does the narrator refer to?’ in the trailer


Entries Close Sep 26

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