
Pizza (DVD)

The IFC (Independent Film Channel) release, “Pizza”, is reasonably satisfying, but unlike a piping-hot pepperoni it doesn’t leave you full.

Director: Mark Christopher
Starring: Kylie Sparks, Ethan Embry, Julie Haggerty

Well, it’s definitely not one with the lot – that’s for sure.

The IFC (Independent Film Channel) release, “Pizza”, is reasonably satisfying, but unlike a piping-hot pepperoni it doesn’t leave you full.

With the production values of a Jenna Jameson effort with enough grain to make a loaf of multigrain, the innocent teen comedy already has a couple of marks against it. Thankfully, the capable cast keep it afloat – mostly.

Kylie Sparks (Nup, never heard of her either) plays a youngster, celebrating her 18th birthday by herself, who starts up a discourse with the Pizza Delivery Guy (the always good-value Ethan Embry). One thing leads to another, and the discontent Pizza Boy and the discontent overweight loser lass team up for a night of misadventure and heart-to-hearts.

Mark Christopher (“54”) has written and directed a reasonably entertaining film, but he definitely needed a few toppings to compliment the package.

Reviewer : Clint Morris

Exclusive Interview : Shawnee Smith

Moviehole MailBag – 25/10/06