
The Grey

Thanks to Icon, Moviehole has 10 double in-season passes up for grabs to see “The Grey” starring Liam Neeson.

SCHINDLERS LIST Academy Award® nominee Liam Neeson will reunite with his THE A-TEAM director Joe Carnahan, swapping eye-popping action for more grounded drama in the suspenseful man versus nature thriller THE GREY.

Produced by Ridley and Tony Scott, the film tells of a group of oil-rig workers who find themselves stranded on the freezing Alaskan tundra after their plane home crashes. Their efforts to survive and find a way home to their loved ones are threatened when the men come under attack by a pack of vicious, aggressive wolves, who see the humans as intruders in their territory who must be killed. Sighting films like DELIVERANCE and TOUCHING THE VOID as inspiration, Carnahan looks set to return to the gritty realism of his breakout hit NARC

How to Win : Fill out your details below, and tell us the URL of the Moviehole Twitter account?

Entries Close Feb 10

Thanks for getting us all excited internet! Harrison Ford not back for Blade Runner 2 after all!

Safe House