
William Hurt talks reprising Ross for Captain America : Civil War

When it was announced William Hurt would be reprising his role as General ‘Thunderbolt’ Ross from “The Incredible Hulk” for next year’s “Captain America : Civil War”, most were surprised – if only because “Incredible Hulk’, though considered Marvel canon, isn’t considered one of the key links in the recent chain. But welcomed back Hurt is, he’s not only a terrific actor but was terrific in the role of Bruce Banner’s adversary.

Seems the actor is psyched to be back, if even because he gets to put a bit of a different spin on Ross this time around.

“I loved playing Ross the first time because I was able to try and create an ego as big as the monster he was chasing”, he tells IGN. “And one that was as warped too. [Ross in Civil War] is different because it’s a different style. It’s a more modernized style. And what they’ve done is they’ve taken a character who was the Ross from the older film and made a new version. This is a much newer Ross. A much different Ross. And I liked that a lot. I haven’t had a lot of time to understand it, but I’m doing the best I can. And they haven’t fired me yet.”

Does it sound to anyone else like, although they’re using Hurt as Ross again, that “Civil War” is going to essentially ignore “Incredible Hulk”? If so, pity – I actually liked the film. Alone..? maybe..

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