
Sudden Impact : Deluxe Edition [DVD]

By Clint Morris

With its more complex and darker tone, the fourth Dirty Harry is seen by many as the best (its also the one where said cop uttered “Make my Day” for the very first – contrary to popular belief, he never said it in the other films – time) and most audacious, and not without reason.

With Clint Eastwood behind the camera – as well as in front of reprising his trademark role for the fourth time – “Sudden Impact” suddenly becomes a much richer and deeper affair. Acknowledging the times, on-screen and off, Eastwood injects a bit – yes, a bit – of moral conscience into the shoot first-think later cop, as well as having him question whether or not he hasn’t got more in common with some of the crooks than the men he works with.

The world of “Dirty Harry” is no longer black-and-white – bad guys vs. good guys, and all that – there’s suddenly a splotch of grey hanging over San Francisco, something Lt. Callahan realizes when he comes face to face with this film’s ‘villain’ (Sondra Locke), a rape victim turned serial killer – determined to put the men and women who assaulted her and her sister at the carnival that night – in a box. She’s essentially Callahan’s alter-ego – and a perfect match for the long-single copper. Their relationship (what there is of it) is doomed, of course, but what isn’t so predictable is her fate. It’s Callahan’s ultimate decision that leads to Callahan making one of his most crucial character-altering turns on film.

Don’t be thinking “Sudden Impact” is all soggy meaningful stuff though – it’s jam-packed with action, and has a bodycount to make Rambo blush.

A documentary on Eastwood the director, chronicling not just “Sudden Impact” but also “Unforgiven”, “A Perfect World”, “Million Dollar Baby” and so on, can be found on the DVD. It features interview with everyone from Paul Haggis (the writer of “Million Dollar Baby”) to, er, Michael Madsen (why? I have no idea). A commentary and trailer gallery are also on hand.


The Riddler from Jump Street