
Baccarin, Lucas, Smulders up for The Avengers

Samuel L.Jackson appeared on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon this week and – likely at the abhor of Marvel – revealed that he cameos as Nick Fury in both “Captain America : The First Avenger” and “Thor”. I’m pretty sure his involvement in “Captain America” is common knowledge but last we’d heard Fury wouldn’t be turning up in “Thor”; it’d seem Jackson’s scene was added during the recent reshoots.

In either case, Nick Fury won’t be seen in “Captain America” or “Thor” a helluvalot. “The Avengers”, however, will beckon him down front like a snooty teacher to a loud student.

On the show Jackson mentioned that he’ll have a female sidekick (“a new character”) in “The Avengers” (Wasp?) and that he’s having to “screen test five actresses on Friday.”

According to The Hollywood Reporter, those actresses are Morena Baccarin (“V”, “Firefly”), Mary Elizabeth Winstead (“Scott Pilgrim vs. The World”), Cobie Smulders (“How I Met Your Mother”), and Jessica Lucas (“Cloverfield”). /Film however reports that Winstead is NOT testing for the film so it’s Baccarin, Smulders and Lucas.

Having worked with “Avengers” director Joss Whedon before, one wonders whether that’s offered Ms Baccarin a head start in the race?

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