
Jim Carrey gets Gooey for Zooey

Female lead cast in “The Yes Man”

Hottie wild child Zooey Deschanel (“Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy”, “Elf”) will play the female lead in the new Jim Carrey comedy, “The Yes Man”.

Based on British author Danny Wallace’s memoir, the story follows a man (Carrey) who decides to change his life by saying yes to everything that comes his way, leading him on a series of unexpected comedic adventures that turn his life upside down, says The Hollywood Reporter.

Bradley Cooper (TVs “Alias”) already has been cast as Carrey’s best friend.

Deschanel recently wrapped shooting M. Night Shyamalan’s “The Happening,” in which she stars opposite Mark Wahlberg. She next appears on the Sci Fi Channel miniseries “Tin Man.” Her credits include “The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford,” “Surf’s Up” and “Bridge to Terabithia.”

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