
Spider-Man 4 casting news

News is as slow as Paris Hilton on “Price is Right” today (everyone’s at Sundance), so expect every news outlet and their syndicator to jump on this one – even though it’s merely filler for the cracks; it’s nothing we didn’t already know, or couldn’t have assumed without being told.

We know Sam Raimi starts “Spider-Man IV” next year, right?

Did you know J.K Simmons is returning to play Newspaper editor J. Jonah Jameson in it?

I know! Shocker! Save me some space on that flash box over on the home page!

All kidding aside, the great Simmons (“Burn After Reading”) tells Dire Straits’ fave hangout, MTV, he’s in – Peter Parker’s boss will not be played by Pauly Shore next time ’round.

Click the aforeposted link for Simmons’ quote.

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