
Madsen on abandoned Reservoir Dogs spin-off

While he reprised the role for a short, funny lockdown video last week, for a while there we nearly got to see Michael Madsen resurrect “Reservoir Dogs”‘ Vic Vega on the big screen.

Many moons ago, Quentin Tarantino had the idea to pair Madsen’s sunglasses-donning gangster with John Travolta’s Vincent Vega from “Pulp Fiction” in a team-up in which they’d – if you hadn’t already guessed from the characters’ surname – play brothers.

Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, Madsen explained how the film would’ve worked.

“We were supposed to be in Amsterdam, criminally,” says Madsen of Tarantino’s spin-off idea. “The picture was going to start out with the two of us being released from prison in different states. And we open up a club in Amsterdam.”

Too much time passed on both Travolta and Madsen were too old to reprise the roles, says the latter. Tarantino did float another idea by Madsen a couple of years ago though.

“He had come up with this idea that it would be the twin brothers of Vic and Vincent, who met after the deaths of their siblings,” Madsen says, chucking. “It was very complicated, but when Quentin starts discussing an idea, it’s very easy to go along with it.”

Check out Madsen’s ‘Vic Vega’ at home vid below!

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