
Hack/Slash : More than Meets the Eye Updated!

“Transformers” star rumoured for graphic novel movie

Ryan from ‘Shock Til You Drop’ tells us that they ran an exclusive on this a couple of months back, so seems this bit of news is a bit dated.

Even if “Transformers” had been about as enjoyable as having an unwashed toothbrush stuck up one’s arse – which it wasn’t – , you’d still have to find value in Megan Fox’s presence in the film. Quite simply, she was as foxy as shit. You could watch her clean out the grime from a dishwasher’s surface.

Now, according to Creature Corner, the actress might’ve been signed to lead the long-awaited film adaptation of comic book fave “Hack/Slash”.

I’ve never read the comics/graphic novels, but I just did a Google to see what the lead character in them looks like and … by golly if that ain’t an inked version of Ms Fox!

Directed by Todd Lincoln, “Hack/Slash” would tell of Cassie Hack (that’d be Fox, I assume) a young chickie who travels to small towns across the country to take down killers and slashers. At her side is her companion and protector, Vlad.

An Alias movie?

The Monster Squad : 20th Anniversary Special Edition (DVD)