
Lex Luthor in a re-match with Superman

Spacey returns for “Superman” sequel

Kevin Spacey has signed on to shave his head again. Er, I mean, play the villainous Lex Luthor in a “Superman Returns” sequel.

Variety says “Superman” director Bryan Singer met with Spacey in New York while the latter was appearing on Broadway in Eugene O’Neill’s recently wrapped “Moon for the Misbegotten.” Singer was about to pitch his “Man of Steel” sequel to Warner Bros.; “Superman Returns” scripter Michael Dougherty is now writing the screenplay.
After Singer completes “Valkyrie” and “The Mayor of Castro Street,” he plans to start production on “Man of Steel” next year for a 2009 release.

Spacey, who hopes to shoot his scenes in another 6 week block, was recently quoted by the media as saying he’s retired. According to the Oscar Winning actor, that’s utter bullshit. “My priorities have changed,” he admitted on the phone from London. “Theater is the No. 1 thing in my life. But I love movies and will continue to make movies when I can.”

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